Scholarship Fund



Information Regarding Scholarship Applications

The Birmingham Shambhala Meditation Center is committed to making the dharma available to all its members, regardless of ability to pay. In order to accomplish this goal, the Birmingham Center’s Council has created a scholarship fund to support travel, lodging, and program tuition for the attendance of non-local programs such as study or practice assemblies offered by Shambhala International. (Local program support does not require a scholarship application and is provided according to the Generosity Policy.)

To request scholarship support to attend a non-local program, please complete a scholarship application form, which must be returned to the Center Director at least two weeks before the program. All information contained in the application will be kept confidential. No funds are to be disbursed without a completed application and approval of the Scholarship Committee.

The Scholarship Committee, consisting of the Director of Education and Practice, the Center Director, and the Treasurer, will review the completed scholarship application and advise the applicant of the amount of scholarship to be awarded, if any.

If a scholarship is awarded, the recipient will be required to supply documentation supporting the costs of travel, lodging, and program tuition. These may consist of email confirmation of airline booking, email confirmation of program registration, and hotel booking, if lodging is not included as part of the program.

After completing the program, the Committee requests that the recipient report to the Council briefly (in person or in writing) on the benefits of attending the program. This should be done by the first Monday of the month following return from the program.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact Nick Buckner at [email protected]


To Support the Scholarship Fund

Anyone wishing to make a donation supporting scholarships, can do so online. Options are listed on our Donations Page.